Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Dreamz..lots of dreamz are living in this world..but how many of them are successful
as someone already made a great remark that this world is a white canvas,
as an art first take shape in the mind of an artist(i.e. imagination) and after that he puts it on the canvas using his brush.
In the same way a lot of people pursue some hidden desires, unfullfilled dreams and willing to put it on the big canvas of this world.
Very little of them are mighty enough to achieve those dreams.
Whats the difference b/w these two whom i will give the name DreamCatcher and Dreamlooser.

its all about the mind set, Attitude, willingness to achieve, and hard work.
most of the people see a lot of dreams but never give a full heart try to achieve those dreams.
after a lot of analysis, I came to the point that it's all about the desire to pick a brush i.e. willingness, desire, determination, interest to achieve their dream.

rest of the things are just like making a road towards ur Dream and start walking on that road and always have some checkpoint to ensure that you are on the right path.
so I want to put the steps in these words:-
first step should be somewhat like this quote "Those who fail to plan, they plan to fail." so get the idea that without a plan you are not able to achieve any thing, first make a good plan.

after that divide all the steps in some short term achievable goal.

now do some time management analysis, like how much time u want to put for that dream,
and how much time/day u can dedicate for that dream.

now formost important part is to stick to ur plan with dedication and start working towards ur dream with a great zeal.

never loose ur control, determination,dedication, hardwork.
don't be a procrastinate by nature, take the dream as a source of fun and make the whole path looks like a fun mixed with creativity.
so, All the best for all the dreamwatcher, now become a dreamcatcher rather than a dreamlooser. :)


M said...

Phew!!! Dreamcatcher, That was a nightmare;)
Just kiddin... Some thought provoking stuff in there. Keep Blogging!

Ankit said...

in my opinion, its nothing more than series of mental images occurring during sleep ranging from hopes and fears to emotions and cravings... as u said, all one needs to do is to walk on the right track.
&&&, As Panacea said... this post definitely calls forth some thoughts.

Suneetha V said...

Well said.... An eye opener for all those people who failed to realize this...

Lakshmi Patil said...

Very Nice one :)

Nits said...

Hmm, what to say..
I guess nearly everyone will agree to what you have penned down here..
Nothing can be as practical as the thought process you mentioned to achieve the dreams, all the dreams one dreamt of..

Keep up the good work...

Dr. Aditi Garg said...

well an awesome note bt i would like to add something, before trying hard so much to make a dream come true, one should alwys be confidentthat what he/she is dreaming is correct. Because wrong dreams if come true take u to a ditch. SO DREAM CORRECTLY & THEN GO FOR IT !!

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

a post on dreams by dreamcatcher!! nice:)

Keshi said...

Encouraging and inspiring post!

We may not always get what we want, but dream anyway.


Cess said...

nice post ;) i have some dreams that I hope are feasible, like going on a trip to India, and I have been working the past 3 months to make it happen, and hopefully it will happened this year, but there is also some dreams like spend a night with Brad Pitt for instance which is definitively not feasible but as Francis Bacon said 'Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is' I think that not being able to dream only would be boring at least for me.

DreamCatcher said...

@ cess
well said.. :)
Going on a trip to India..great!
have u been here before?
the same way I want to go to Ireland...;)
wishing u happy dreaming!!

Keshi said...

no updates?


DreamCatcher said...

At present, @ my native place!
still get time to read ur blogs..:)

Keshi said...

oh ok :)

And tnxx!


Keshi said...

Happy New Year DC! :)

u dun blog anymore? :(


DreamCatcher said...

I like reading Blogs rather than writing and especially reading your blogs, because you write, what you feels.. :)